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If you are someone - or if you know someone - who could benefit from a little peace, tranquility and positive influence, you are in the right place! Even the strongest among us can feel overwhelmed at times, and right now is certainly no exception. I am dedicated to helping youth, adults and children learn more about themselves, and the lens through which they are seeing their world. How? Horses are incredible, "sensing" animals. These kind, majestic beauties use different parts of their bodies and sensory systems to decipher the world around them, determine when something or someone is a threat - and when they are not. 

Horses - being herd animals - watch out for each other all throughout the day and night. You may see them huddled with their heads facing different directions, watching for prey. You may see them standing still, with a seemingly "blank" or far-off look in their eyes. Why? A horse can see almost all the way around them...not a full 360° , but extremely close. With that "far-off" look in their eyes, they are likely canvassing the space around them, near and far. If one in a herd senses danger, he or she will alert the rest. In this manner, they are able to amplify their level of safety. 

The first time my horses included me in their circle - literally standing on either side of me and each facing the opposite direction - I felt so safe and loved! "Love" may not be how the horses would describe it, but the terms "acceptance" and "belonging" are probably very close.

This is only the start. Horses literally keep themselves alive by working to sense the intentions or possible dangers of everything in their environment. By learning about horses, we can learn about ourselves, and how we interact with our own environments - whether that may be people, our surroundings, or a difficult time in our lives. Horses remind us that we very likely have the ability to respond appropriately. Many of us just need a little kindness and someone to believe in us until we get better at believing in ourselves, and horses are excellent coaching buddies. As herd animals, horses look out for each other. They groom each other, they depend on a leader to find food and shelter, and each herd member plays a part in protecting the herd from predators. (I love to watch their sleep schedule; while one one naps on the ground, another stands guard...and then they may switch places.) There is a very specific pecking order within each herd. (For the business-minded of you, they even have a "succession plan" in case anything happens to the Boss!)  What does this have to do with Equine-Assisted Learning? As an over-generalization, we are either a predator or part of the herd. Horses will react to each and every human in their presence - even if that action is ignoring us. The learning is in what we do - often subconsciously - that produces each reaction in the horse. They will tell us if we know how to listen.

As the Founder, I LOVE what I do, and I remain in awe of what horses can teach and model for us. I am never disappointed in these majestic animals' ability to support others through kindness, acceptance, and equine intuition. As far as my training, along with a Bachelor of Science degree in - and life-long study of - mental health and social psychology, I am a Texas-certified Mental Health Peer Specialist (working with others who are experiencing Anxiety, Depression, and Addiction) and a Mental Health First Aid Provider (Youth and Adult). I am trained and certified in Equine-Assisted Services through Greg Kersten's OK Corral, and am certified by NAMI** as a Peer-to-Peer Facilitator in their free, eight-session educational program for adults with mental health conditions who are looking to better understand themselves and their recovery. 

    In addition, I provide Paraprofessional support in Special Education within a local school district, which also provides annual training that coincides well with my work with Horses and Humans.  I absolutely love what I do, and I can't wait to meet YOU!

A word of warning, though: Our horses are complete thieves, and are known to steal a little piece of your heart.


**NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Peer-to-Peer